In this post, we will be discussing How to Wire a 4 Channel AMP to Door Speakers. This is the most common wiring configuration for car audio enthusiasts, and it can also work well in your home.
How to Wire a 4 Channel AMP to Door Speakers
In order for these instructions to make sense, you need some basic understanding of what an amplifier does and how it is wired. If you’re not sure about that stuff, check out my article on amplifiers before continuing here.
What is an Amplifier and How does it Work

An amplifier is a device that increases the power of an audio signal. It does this by taking a low-power signal and amplifying it, making it louder. This amplified signal can then be sent to loudspeakers, which convert the electrical energy back into sound waves that we can hear.
The way an amplifier works is relatively simple. It takes a small audio signal and uses it to modulate the output of one or more power transistors called the “output stage.” As the amplified signal is an electrical wave, this can be done by either moving electricity through coils (inductive coupling) or passing that current through capacitors (capacitive coupling).
Amp Wiring Configuration
Now that we have a basic understanding of what an amplifier does and how it works, let’s take a look at the different wiring configurations. The most common configuration is called “bridged-mono,” and it uses two channels to power a single speaker.
There are other wiring configurations, such as “stereo-to-mono” and “parallel mono”, but we will be focusing on bridged-mono today.
The basic idea behind the wiring configuration is that one amplifier channel powers a positive speaker wire (+) while another amp channel powers a negative speaker wire (-). The two separate wires are then combined and run to the single speaker.
How to wire up a 4 channel amp to door speakers
Now that we know what a 4 channel amp is and how it works let’s look at how to wire it, up-to-door speakers. The following instructions will work for both car and home audio applications.
1) Determine which amplifier channels will be used to power the door speakers. In most cases, this will be channels 1 and 2, but it may vary depending on the amplifier.
2) Connect the positive speaker wire from the amplifier to the positive (+) terminal on the door speaker.
3) Connect the negative speaker wire from the amplifier to the door speaker’s negative (-) terminal.
4) Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each additional door speaker.
5) Connect the power wire from the amplifier to a 12-volt power source.
6) Turn on the amplifier and test the speakers.
That’s it! You’ve now wired up a 4-channel amp to door speakers. Be sure to test the audio before finalizing any permanent connections. Enjoy!
Troubleshooting tips for when things go wrong
If you’re having trouble getting your 4-channel amp to work with door speakers, here are a few troubleshooting tips.
1) Make sure all of the wires are properly connected. This is by far the most common issue and can easily be fixed by checking all of the connections.
2) Check the polarity of the speaker wires. In most cases, the positive speaker wire is red, while the negative speaker wire is black.
3) Make sure you used a 4-channel amp and not a 2-channel amp. If your amplifier only has two channels of power, it will not work with four speakers. You need to get a 4-channel amp or a bridged 2-channel amp.
4) Make sure the amplifier is turned on and select the correct input source.
That’s it! Now you know how to wire a 4 channel amp to door speakers. Be sure to test the audio before finalizing any permanent connections. Enjoy!
If you are planning to wire up a 4 channel amp, here is how it works. Essentially, one amplifier channel powers the positive speaker wire (+) while the power of another channel is the negative speaker wire (-).
The two separate wires are then combined and run to the single speaker. You can use these instructions in both car or home audio applications. This article has provided troubleshooting tips for How to Wire a 4 Channel AMP to Door Speakers when something goes wrong with your wiring setup.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you hook up a 4 channel amp to a door speaker?
There are two ways to wire up a 4-channel amp to one speaker. The first way is called bridged mono. There are two channels that power the positive (+) and negative (-) wires. The other way is called parallel mono, which splits the signal into two channels twice for more power.
How many speakers can a 4 channel amp power?
A 4 channel amp can power up to four speakers. You will need to use the bridged mono wiring configuration in order for it to work with more than two speakers.
How do you hook up a 4 channel amp to factory radio?
There are a few different ways that you can wire a 4 channel amp to a factory radio. The most common way is to use the RCA preamp outputs on the back of the radio.
You will need to use an RCA adapter cable in order to connect the RCA outputs to the amplifier. Another way is to use the speaker wires on the back of the radio. You can either use a wiring harness or cut the speaker wires and splice them into the amplifier.
How many RCA cables do I need for a 4 channel amp?
You will need two RCA cables. One for the left speaker and one for the right speaker.